More and moresoftwareismovingfrom west to east.In our companySIAPROwe offercomplete machine moving servicestailored to the needsandrequirementsof each customer.
Machines are placed to the newlocation.Upon the requestwe also offerinstallation andrestart of the machine orproduction. If necessary modernization of equipment.When neededsoftwareupdates.
We perform:
Relocations of all types of machines or entire production lines regardless of the size and weight
No sizeandweight limits
Relocations in SloveniaandEuropean countries,
Review and preparation ofthe planto move the equipment
Disassembly of the machinesandits preparation to move,
Replacing the machineto a new locationwith the help oftrolleys,hydraulic equipment and mobilecranes,
Transportation by roadmachine(also organizespecial transportation)
Re-installation and start up of equipment at a new location